
A Short History of Mirošov Chateau.

In the first half of the 16th century Mirošov was owned by Ferdinand Gryspek from Gryspach and it was probably he who first built a renaissance fort here with a courtyard and brewery. Because he died without heirs, his brother sold the property at the beginning of the 17th century to Adam Vratislav of Mitrovic.

Adam Vratislav´s grandson Jan Antonin was ennobled to the rank of count and began to build a prestigious residence. In building the present baroque chateau he got into debt and the property was taken into court administration. In 1725 the property was bought in auction by the Imperial Court Chamber. The chateau was at that time empty and dilapidated with many windows knocked out. The new manager of the estate organised repairs and apartments and an office were built in the chateau.

From 1834 the chateau was the seat of the Imperial Mining Administration which also used the premises as apartments and offices.

From 1868 to 1890 there were several changes of owners after which the estate was bought by the Mirošov Coal Mining Company, whose long-serving director was Jan Fitz. At that time (from 1893 to 1897) the chateau was thoroughly repaired at great expense. Amongst other things, it was given a new facade and roof and the wooden inlaid ceilings, doors and wooden panelling are from that period. Fitz later bought the property from the mining company and after his death Max Maendl bought the estate in a public auction. Maendl´s son Josef continued to manage the property after him, but in 1939, since he was Jewish, with the threat of German fascism, he sold the property to Dr. Ladislav Feierabend and fled abroad.

In 1940 Dr Feierabend, an economist and politician, was himself forced to escape abroad when his role in the resistance movement was uncovered and was about to be arrested by the Gestapo. He managed to get to England where he became Minister of Finance in President Beneš´s Government in exile. After the liberation of Czechoslovakia in 1945, Dr.Feierabend returned to the republic and began to manage his estate in Mirošov again. After the communist putsch in February 1948 he was forced once more into exile - this time taking his family with him - narrowly avoiding arrest by the communist secret police.

After 3 years of belonging to the state, in 1952 the management of Mirošov chateau with its estate was taken over by the Czechoslovak State Farm Institution. The interior of the chateau was again converted into flats and offices, as well as a kitchen for employees and a refectory.

At the beginning of the 1970´s the chateau was tranferred to the ownership of the Customs Office, which wanted to establish a training centre here. Soon, however, the building work began to falter and the Customs Office eventually abandoned its plan - not, unfortunately, before the chateau was substantially damaged by ill-conceived attempts at reconstruction.

The chateau then remained abandoned until 1991 when it was returned in restitution to Dr.Feierabend´s daughter - Hana Ludikar - who, with her family, decided to restore the property. The repairs begun at that time are still continuing and are being directed by her son Philip Ludikar.

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